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Homeopathy is a healing process in which the medicines stimulate and encourage the body’s natural healing forces of recovery.

The homeopathic principle of treating “like with like” is based on treating an illness with a substance that produces in a healthy person similar symptoms to those experienced by a sick person. Conventional medical treatments are based on a belief that symptoms are caused by the illness, whereas homeopathy sees the symptoms as the body’s natural reaction in fighting the illness, and seeks to stimulate them rather than suppress them. For example, Ipecancuana (ipecac), from the root of the plant, if taken by a healthy person will cause vomiting, but if taken in tiny homeopathic doses will cure vomiting. It follows that a substance which can produce certain symptoms in a healthy individual can cure an ill person with the same combination of symptoms.

Homeopathic medicines contain very, very small quantities of the curative substance in concentrations called “potencies”, prepared in a special way. These dilutions not only enhance their curative properties, but also avoid undesirable side effects.

See about homeopathy

How does it work?