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West Chester, PA 19380, USA

Phone: (610) 701-5702
(610) 701-4225

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© 2009 Dr. Peter J. Prociuk, M.D. All Rights Reserved

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At times, the response in the early stage of treatment may be an aggravation of the initial symptoms. This is more likely to happen when symptoms have been suppressed by strong medication taken for a prolonged period of time. For example, chronic skin rashes that have been treated with steroid creams for a long time can flare up significantly in the early phases of homeopathic treatment. Patients who find themselves in this category must realize that the resolution of their presenting problem will take a strong commitment from me and from them. In these cases, the potency of the remedy will be appropriately adjusted. This kind of situation is usually predictable, and will be discussed thoroughly prior to beginning treatment. A short aggravation lasting a few hours or days is fairly common and is generally very well tolerated.

Patients are encouraged to contact me with any concerns in this regard.

Why am I feeling worse after taking the remedy?